Animal Skin Infection Profile (DNA)
Ringworm (fungal pathogens), Sarcoptes mite, Demodex mite
The Ringworm DNA test screens for the most common fungal pathogens (Microsporum
canis, Microsporum gypseum, and Trichophyton mentagrophytes) responsible for
canis, Microsporum gypseum, and Trichophyton mentagrophytes) responsible for
Test Code:
Sample Requirements:
Skin scrapings and hairs with follicles in a sealed fungal envelope or sterile container
Turn Around Time:
2 – 3 business days
Related Tests:
Animal Skin Infection Profile (DNA) with Fungal Culture
Ringworm (fungal pathogens)
Sarcoptes mite
Demodex mite
Ringworm (fungal pathogens)
Sarcoptes mite
Demodex mite