The Bird ID on the submission form is where you put an identification of your bird. This can be the bird’s band number, the bird’s name or any other method you use to identify your bird. This will be on the certificate. If you have a male and female name picked out, specify both on …
If you were asked to resubmit a sample, it means we were unable to extract enough DNA from the sample you provided to us in order to receive a result. Therefore, we need you to submit another sample. Please read our new resubmission policy at the end of this section.
2-3 medium-sized blood feathers (blood on the tips) would be best to send and are preferred.
Or 4-6 medium-sized feathers from the chest area that have skin cells on the tips (white colouration).
All feathers need to be plucked. For step-by-step instructions, please click here.
Only a few drops of blood is needed.
To collect a blood sample, all you need to do is to cut a toenail a little too short and put a few drops of blood on both corners of the card. For step-by-step instructions, please click here.
Blood, feathers, and eggshells can be submitted as samples. Blood submission is preferred.
The sample collection kits are free.